Public Sub StripMailsInCurrentFolder() Dim objMsg As Object Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments Dim i As Long Dim lngCount As Long Dim strFile As String Dim strFolder As String Dim strMsg As String Dim lngProgress As Long Dim result On Error Resume Next ' Get the collection of selected objects. Set objSelection = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items result = MsgBox("Do you want to strip " & objSelection.Count & " messages in folder " & Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) If result = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If ' Check each selected item for attachments. ' If attachments exist, save them to the Temp ' folder and strip them from the item. For Each objMsg In objSelection ' This code only strips attachments from mail items. If objMsg.Class = olMail Then ' Get the Attachments collection of the item. Set objAttachments = objMsg.Attachments lngCount = objAttachments.Count If lngCount > 0 Then ' We need to use a count down loop for ' removing items from a collection. Otherwise, ' the loop counter gets confused and only every ' other item is removed. For i = lngCount To 1 Step -1 objAttachments.Item(i).Delete Next i End If objMsg.HTMLBody = Left(objMsg.HTMLBody, 16384) objMsg.Save End If Next Set objAttachments = Nothing Set objMsg = Nothing Set objSelection = Nothing Set objOL = Nothing End Sub